# Load the tidyverse packages
Using mostly base R
, students may be guided to produce the following result:
# Function to perform one experiment
perform_one_experiment_basic <- function(k,N=5000,p=0.05) {
n <- N / k
# Simulate the population
popsim <- numeric(N)
for (i in 1:N) {
popsim[i] <- rbinom(n = 1,size = 1,prob = p)
# Group them
groups <- rep(1:n,k)
# Check the disease status of each group
any_diseased <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:N) {
if (popsim[i] == 1) {
any_diseased[groups[i]] <- 1
# Count the number of tests performed
numtests <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
if (any_diseased[i] == 1) {
numtests <- numtests + (k + 1)
else {
numtests <- numtests + 1
## [1] 2195
If the instructor wishes to introduce or otherwise make use of more advanced programming constructs in R
, this example can be used for this purpose by extending the above “basic” simulation to include the use of more advanced data structures and some light functional programming:
# Function to check inputs: same as above
# Function to perform one experiment
perform_one_experiment_advanced <- function(k,N=5000,p=0.05) {
n <- N / k
data_frame(disease = rbinom(N,1,p),
group = rep(1:n,k)) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(disease = max(disease)) %>%
mutate(numtests = k*disease + 1) %>%
summarize(numtests = sum(numtests)) %>%
## [1] 2115
Analogous to the manner in which the single-experiment simulation is coded, there are two immediate ways to perform the multiple simulations desired:
# Two functions to perform B experiments for fixed k and average the result
# Basic
perform_B_experiments_basic <- function(B,k,N=5000,p=0.05) {
results <- numeric(B)
for (i in 1:B) {
results[i] <- perform_one_experiment_basic(k,N,p)
## [1] 2123
# Advanced
perform_B_experiments_advanced <- function(B,k,N=5000,p=0.05) {
map(1:B,~perform_one_experiment_advanced(k,N,p)) %>%
reduce(c) %>%
## [1] 2114.4
We can then make a ggplot
plot of the empirically-estimated number of experiements required for each value of k as follows. ggplot
is worth introducing to students at any level as it allows them to create publication-quality plots:
# Simulate for valid values of k from 1 to 10:
sim_results <- numeric(5)
k_to_do <- c(1,2,5,8,10)
for (i in 1:length(k_to_do)) {
sim_results[i] <- perform_B_experiments_basic(25,k_to_do[i])
# ggplot needs its input to be a data_frame
sim_results <- data_frame(k = k_to_do,numtests_sim = sim_results)
# Or...
sim_results <- c(1,2,5,8,10) %>%
map(~data_frame(k = .x,numtests_sim = perform_B_experiments_advanced(25,.x))) %>%
sim_results %>%
ggplot(aes(x = k,y = numtests_sim,group = 1)) +
theme_classic() +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(title = "Simulated Average Number of Tests Performed",
subtitle = "Blood Pooling Example",
x = "Group Size (k)",
y = "Average Number of Tests Performed (25 simulations)") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma_format())
This give students a feel for the problem that will help to guide our analytical solution: the number of tests starts high with low \(k\) (pooling doesn’t reduce the number of tests that much when the groups only have a couple people in them), then decreases as \(k\) increases, but then starts increasing again, as the groups become large enough that most of them end up having a diseased individual, and therefore do not produce a reduction in the number of tests performed. From the simulations, we see that \(k = 5\) is a likely candidate for the group size that minimizes the expected number of tests.